Monday, December 26, 2011

Dig in and hold on

The last several months has been a whirl wind of learning, sometimes by getting it right and other times by my failures. One thing that I am starting to figure out is when something great in your life happens dig in. I'm not talking about receiving a new gift, that promotion, job, or when life just seems like smooth sailing. What i really am talking about is when you step up, step out, reach new heights and truly are a part of something great Kingdom advancement. Dig in, strap yourself down, hold on tight because the storm is coming. How we handle that kind of pressure, adversity and attack is really what will define what kind of threat we will be . Hunker down lean into God like never before. Every time we step out and experience God's desire for our heart in a new way, we expose ourselves to a whole nether level of threats to our spiritual life. your perspective will be rocked, those places you turn for comfort and stability will be shaken. You must stand firm in what you know is true and that is the word of God, that alone is your Truth, everything else can be stripped away. When we face these kinds of storms we should be honored and overjoyed. If that seems crazy to you that is because it is. The reality is that is the life we were chosen for, this is the life we accepted and signed up for. No one ever said it would be easy in fact throughout the scriptures we see it is extremely hard sometimes to the extent of literal death. We must make that decision to die to our self, our selfish desires, in order to have true life that God desires for us to experience.  With that comes true sacrifice your normal life is gone. Those places of flesh you used to find comfort in our stripped away. Sometimes you may feel alone overwhelmed  and outmatched but God never allows anything to come before us that we cannot handle through him. So board up your windows, strap down your belongings and hunker down because that storm is just around the corner. When it comes be joyful because you are living a life that is a threat to the evil in this world.

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