Saturday, December 3, 2011

The unknown

I am sitting on a bus on the way to wrestling, pondering my past week. I started to think about all the unknowns in my life, it actually became quite overwhelming. Then I started to think to myself what, in this life, is not unknown? It all started a couple weeks ago when I began to notice some changes in my physical body, freequent urination, unexpected weightloss as well as other things. So naturally I went to the doctor. I was at ease knowing I soon would find out what was wrong with me, or so I thought. We were pretty sure it was an infection, but as a formality we were going to do some tests anyways. Results came back, no infection. I then got blood drawn I was excited to get the results back, nervous, but none the less excited, results were coming. Nothing! It all checked out. So now I sit anxiously wondering, pondering the unknown. Psalm 46:1 says "God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble." What if all God wants is for me to truly rely on Him? Not on the things of this world. Not on the doctors, medicines, therapies, friends, bosses or even parents. I am not saying disreguard those things, that would be foolish, but just not rely on them. God puts all of those things in our lives to continue to better ourselves and our community. A life with those things as your foundation is simply destructive. Provers 25:12 tells us that anxiety weighs down the heart. Why carry that burden? Is there really anything that is known to us, other than the truths that the Lord sets before us? Where will we put our trust?

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