Friday, December 9, 2011

On the way to perfect the impossible happens

This past week I have absolutely been consumed with the idea of perfection, holiness, and setting ourselves apart. Some call it arrogance, others call it impossible. I call it the way god designed us. Do I ever think I will reach perfection here on earth, absolutely not. If you set your bar so high so impossible, along the way wont the impossible happen? Will it be easy heck no it wont, otherwise why would it be called setting yourself apart. This means we will be going against the grain and the currents of the world. We must fight the resistance. God calls us to it, 1 peter 1:15 says "But just as he who called you is holy, so be Holy in all you do. Be holy for i am Holy."  The Lord calls us to it, He out of love demands us to reach for the impossible.  So what does that look like? I am not even sure i can totally grasp this concept, but i think slowly i am starting to get it. What if we challenged ourselves to memorize two entire books of the bible this year, we probably would fall short but wouldn't we  have several chapters memorized? What if we tried to commit an hour of prayer every single day? You might  fall short but wouldn't you pray more often then you originally did? What if our churches challenged themselves two double or even triple in size over the next year? It probably does not happen but wouldn't the church get bigger and more people hear his promises? What if we had that kind of desperation and longing for the impossible in every aspect of our life? Holiness is not something we can obtain on our own. Holiness is not a work of our flesh, but a product of Gods grace. Paul tells us in Ephesians that we have "every spirtiual blessing in Christ". Holiness is something we can obtain, through God we have the power to obtain these things.  We are not failures for not reaching perfection or reaching those goals we set that are high and nearly impossible. The reality is we are stepping into uncharted territory of our lives and our churches. God wants to take us to the Promise Land. Will we follow? How high will you set the bar in your life?

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