Monday, December 19, 2011

Dream big

With new years coming around the corner I thought I would write a little bit about what I would love to see in 2012. First off dream big! I wonder how many of us truly Dream Big? We sit back set goals that we think we can reach with little to no resistance. Enough!!! Stretch yourself, Dream Big, Reach for the impossible. I know in my personal life things I would like to accomplish is to conquer some of the areas of my old sinful patterns. I know there is no longer any condemnation, but there are times I still turn to those things. I want to continue to radically step out in obedience in ways I never dreamed were possible. I would also in the next year like to be responsible for bringing 25 new people to church that come on a continual basis, I want to expand our community and push others to do the same. I am going to step up in a new way as far as community outreach, I am going to make it a priority to spend my time serving others in the community. Set the example and others will follow. I am going to invest in lives one on one and in a small group setting to push and stretch them to take their lives to new heights. I am going to cultivate leaders in our youth that understand and believe that they are prodigies. True revival starts with them. They are our future. They will be a light in our school and our community. I want to live a life that is so LOUD  that others cannot ignore it. Especially those in our Church community, true revival does not happen unless we all play our part. Each and every one of us are called to be a part of Gods Story. Gods Story is never small and never quiet. Will we take part in those things? I want to help carry the burdens in my "Community" and strike a sense of urgency in the hearts of others to do the same. I want to LEAD by example let my life do the talking.  I want to learn how to Love in a new way Love is a verb and takes action, it is not quiet it is not passive.  2012 ya I have big plans for you, to sum it up, Bold, Radical, March Forward, Be intentional!

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