Friday, December 23, 2011

Love is a Verb

Lately  I have been trying to redefine what love looks like in my life. I still have a long way to go but I have came to one conclusion Love takes action. I 100 percent believe that you cannot love and be passive, if something burdens you, true love takes action. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love (John 4:8) God is love therefore we will carry his burdens and what burdens his heart if we are in tune with the spirit, will burden our heart. God also tells us that one of the greatest commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself. (Mathew 22:39) What does that look like? That is up for debate I think every situation is different, but i know it takes action. It may be as simple as praying for them and their burdens. IT could be that you provide them with some sort of service that they are in need of. What if it was as simple as just coming along side them and letting them know you are there with them when they are walking out life. Maybe today is the day you fight for them, stand up for them in places they are not able to at the moment. So as I redefine love in my life and want to love the Lord my God with all my heart, I have discovered to do that I must take action. We cannot Love our Lord and be obedient without fighting for those things. We do not get o pick and choose what of his burdens we want to fight for one way or another we are all responsible to provide in those areas. Will you LOVE?

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