Friday, December 16, 2011

All I want for christmas is you!

Today I was sitting in the coffee shop and the song "All I want for Christmas is you" came on, the Mariah Carey version of course which I love, but anyways it got my mind going. This Christmas season already has been unlike any other in the past. The All I want for Christmas is you just kept running through my head over and over. It was so true in my life, All I wanted was to serve MY JESUS. That is exactly why this Christmas season has been so much different, I have taken my eyes off myself and looked outward. My life is so full of JOY right now it is ridiculous. Having the opportunity to get gifts for little girls that are not as fortunate as me has been one of the most enjoyable things I have experience in a long time. I also had the opportunity to go shopping for a Crisis Nursery with four of the coolest, kindest, inspiring girls I have ever met. What a privilege that was. When we take our eyes off ourselves and become consumed with Jesus, amazing happens, lives are changed. There is also this thought about being intentional about being personal. When you really think about it, it is pretty logical. How many of us really do it. Small things with the right thoughts are bigger then anything else. A mug and a cup of coffee quickly turns into a thought out process of love. That is power! So Ya Christmas has not been stressful or ridiculously busy this year, it has been enjoyable and "time consuming" but there is a difference, one has a purpose, that is to advance the kingdom. Business is to satisfy yourself and the others around you, which ultimately leads back to selfishness! Who or what will you serve this Christmas? Me, All i want for Christmas is YOU, JESUS!

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