Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blinded by the light

The other day I sat on the roof of a house in midst of below thirty degrees and was just engulfed by sunshine. I heard a song by Manfred Mann's Earth band, Blinded by the light, the lyrics go something like this Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night Blinded by the light. The lyrics and the sunshine turned the wheel of thought for me. In the coldest of times sunshine makes the world of difference. I also realized that at some point in time we all come across the light. A special occurrence happens a define event. "We just get it" the "ahha" moment whatever you would like to call it. For some of us it happened years after "knowing" God. For others it may have been their first and only encounter with the thought or idea of God. Regardless wherever you are at in the process in the Story. that moment must occur for all us. For Paul who was known as Saul it happened after years of being religious. Not only was he religious he was one of the most educated in the law, in religion at that present time. He was so engulfed in  his "religion" that he was responsible for the first murder or martyr of a "Christ follower:". But then something happened there was an encounter with God. He was on a path and God spoke to him and the bible goes on to say he was blinded by the light. Something happened after that although he was blind he finally could see. He got it he understood its not about religion its not about doctrine its about God, The Great I am. The one that sent his son to die on the cross to bare our sins, so that three days later he would  rise again and conquer the gates of hell. So that we may have eternal life. Everyday some of us see the light whether its in the way that others live. You see it you know they have something different, they just "get it". You desire to have what they have. Move towards the light step forward. Take a step Seek those people out find what their light is. Jesus is the way Jesus is the answer. Not knowledge but belief faith. Knowing their is a God and believing there is a God is so close but so different. Belief changes you once you cross the line you are never the same again. Your heart will guide you to those things and knowledge will come with that. Take the first step beleive accept it. You are lost and you can be found. For some of us we are like Paul we have stepped into church our entire lives. We may even read the bible Do all the right things say all the right things but somewhere along the way we forgot to make it personal. We did not make God the ruler of our story the author of our faith. It is something intimate something real something alive that never stops growing. So I ask you have you been blinded by the light? So that you walk by faith not by sight?

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