Sunday, January 1, 2012

one word resolution

I am sitting hear pondering my new years resolution and what i want for my heart in 2012 to be. First off I apologize for the rawness of this one I am writing it from my phone. Those of you that have seen my texting skills know this could get ugly. Back to the point. I kept thinking I want the attitude of my heart of my life to be "radical" i thought well there ya have it that is the resolution. I kept pondering and thinking and imagining what that looks like. There was something still unsettling. Being radical is great and and it is out of a pure desire but it does not sum it all up for me. I can be radical but where does that come from, how do i get it, what does it look like? Then it hit me. LOVE! Yup that sums it all up LOVE that one word if i could truly do that it would all come together. 2012 would truly be great. So much comes from that word when you Love well you carry the lords burdens, you take the eyes off yourself and put them onto others. In doing so you become great. When i LOVE well i am obedient, I am walking the path the Lord has written out for me and I am in tune with the Spirit. Again on the way I become great. God is Love God calls us to LOVE. So ya that sums it up for me LOVE. Change the world, the ones around you,your community. One step at a time. It is hard, it will be messy but I promise you it will be worth it, it will be beautiful. LOVE WINS so LOVE WELL.

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