Friday, January 27, 2012

strength in weakness

This morning I cracked open my bible and I found myself at Psalm 40, little did I know my eyes were about to be opened in a new way. I do not know why this caught me off guard because in reality every time I intentionally enter the presence of the Lord my heart should always be moved, but that's a whole different topic in itself. So I found myself in the Psalms and I was okay with that, I always thought David(most likely the writer of Psalms) had it figured out. I never could identify what truly set him apart, after all God himself calls him a man after his own heart. Isn't that what we all truly desire to truly seek God's heart in a Holy way. Psalm 40 starts out " I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet om a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." Right away I was drawn in, I love the realism and the raw truth that David shares from his heart. David never shied away from his weaknesses this is something I so admire.  I continued to read on verse 17 says "But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; You are my God, do not delay." Boom it hit me. 
Something started grabbing my heart. The wheels were starting to turn and the light was coming on. David got it! Not only was David real and intimate with heart, he was intentional about vocalizing and being real with God. He desired a true friendship with God and he always dwelled in his presence even when he was struggling, no especially when he was struggling. David did not shy away from his brokenness and weaknesses. He understood that he was broken and he was weak.  He truly understood that a place of brokenness and dependability on God is not weakness, but rather ultimate humility and true strength. I wonder how often we try to run lives ourselves and then when its not doable we play the God card. Here you go God fix my life. Only when we realize outside of God nothing is possible can we truly experience life.  . True power is found when you realize and dive into the concept of dependability. When we step into this place there are no walls or barriers that you have put up, you are your own worst enemy. Once you realize you are broken and weak then you must rely on God to get you anywhere. It is in that place when you find true intimacy with our Lord, strength in weakness.

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. Often times we go through life relying on our own strength. This means we have small dreams, small hopes, and small aspirations. We Need to realize that our weakness is where God will demonstrate his love and power through us. However, like you mentioned we need to first, stop trying to do it with our own strength and power, and give up and let God demonstrate his power, strength and love through us.

    Great post and a great reminder.
