Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baffled by his Glory

I am sitting in the coffee shop studying the word preparing for a message. I am blown away by by his presence. I am starting to find out that if you are intentional about not only getting into the word but studying it and truly trying to let God speak, you will hear. It is not about something we were told to do, or a list of rules we need to follow to be complete. It is about our God the author of our faith investing in our life.He created us he knows our every need and desire, when he wrote the book it was directed at us. I just get this picture in my head of him thinking about you and me when God through the works of others put the bible together. It is personal, it is intimate, it is our LOVE letter from our Father. He knows how we work, how we function. So he gave us guidelines so we can live life in him and with him. Only till we experience these things can we truly do this. I feel that I am starting to get a glimpse of his Glory. A small insight of what he desires in our lives and the intimacy he longs for with us. As we enter into those things his voice almost becomes audible and you can almost sense his touch. I find myself writing notes and seeing things that I have never before experienced. It is like a light flipped on and all the sudden you can see. It gives you chills gives ya goosebumps, other times you feel as if you could jump out of your skin.  When we seek his Spirit and we desire true wisdom and revelation,so we can grow closer to him we align with his Spirit. For this moment for that second I got it. I experienced a flash of his glory, a small taste of the life he desires for us to live. So wont you today enter into his presence?

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