Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Community No life

I have been a person that always has built my life around friendships and intimate relationships. The last couple months even more so then normal, but there is one small difference. My mindset has changed, it has flipped from inward to outward. Not that I was living a selfish life, I was just not living a life consumed by servant hood.I have always believed that no one can truly flourish outside their "community". Of course I need a community who else would pick me up, push me and help me grow? I am in a season of my life right now that God is changing my perspective.With all my heart I believe a life outside the community is not experiencing true life. I feel that God has enlightened the eyes of my heart and has given me a glimpse of what his community looks like. I have been able to take my eyes off myself and truly love. I need community in my life so that I have someone to share the LOVE of Christ with. There is NO joy in a life that is not pouring out. God is love, we are created in his image, we are created to love. Community was created for "US" not for me. We are one, with ONE common goal, Love wins so Love well.

Love wins so love well. What does that look like in our community? I do not think I have all the answers, but I do think there are some things we should all be doing. If you get the opportunity carry the burdens of your community. Trust me there is so much joy in this. Pray, Pray Hard. It is amazing what happens in your heart when you take your mind off yourself and lift up others in prayer throughout the entire day. Take interest, take part of their lives. The smallest thing when you are intentional in your purposes can go a long way. Serve, serve them and serve others with them. Love is a verb. Love takes action. God is love, so what it comes down to is LOVE WINS SO LOVE WELL.

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