Tuesday, March 6, 2012

perfect driven passion

Im on lunch break and today I have been all sorts of fired up. I know God is working in my heart big time things are coming together. I am just blown away by the thought of obedience and how it coincides woth Love. The thing we must understabd is that obedience is not a to do list, obedience is our guidlines, our instructuons to the Father. Before we can totally understand taht we must Fear the Lord, we must have that reverant Awe. God is in total control and he created ne!!! He designed us so obedience is just doing what we are created for. Before we can love fully and jump into other peoples story, we must obey. God is Love and God says we cant love him outside of obedience. So to fully love others we must obey its clear and simple. That gets me excited because now every day there is something new, something to conqueor. There is always an oppurtunitu to show Love and glorify our Lord. When this perspective hits you the mundane no longer exists. So i now have my perdect driven passion. Love of obedience and obedience out of Love.

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