Saturday, February 11, 2012

touch of heaven

Wow what a night. Simply amazing God blew any expectations I had out of the water. First of all I was so tired that i did not think i was going to physically be able to worship. Ya laugh it up but if you saw me worship this weekend or if you know me then it makes sense. I felt a tug on my heart and I decided to march on down there. Not only did Goe draw me closer then ever I felt a energy come on me that nakes no sense. I was pumped up and fired up beyond belief. During one of the songs i was still quiet abd clear. Just in awe then it it hit me. At that moment was a tatse of heaven. I was able to worship with no worries, doubts, fears, shame or guilt. I didnt have to impress i was just face to face with my Lord. I kmow it wont even compare to what eternity will be like. But for tonight I got a taste of heaven

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