Saturday, February 11, 2012

oh what a night

Holy cow what a night. Everything about it was wonderful. The worship was outstanding, the message was great and the atmosphere was out of this world. I think what I am most excited about is our guys opening up afterwords at the hotel. It was so great even if just for half hour they were real and vulnerable. So what now? I can already see that God is moving and will continue to move. So how do we cultivate the hearts? When we get back home and step back into reality and the everyday grind how do we keep their passions going. How do we continue to stir and awaken their hearts. My cry? God show me the way. Give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in this area. Burdens our hearts so we cannot deny the truth and where you want us to be. Give us a clear cut vision. Thank you Jesus!!! Oh what a night!!

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