Friday, February 10, 2012

addict: aren't we all.

My name is Jeremy Wiemann I am an addict. I am not talking about drugs or alchohol or any sort of substance for that matter. I think if we are honest with ourselves we all have an addiction. We all have something that when the going gets tough and we lose sight of things above we turn to that. It might not even be a harmful act or a bad thing in itself. It is the heart behind it, it is the fact that we turn to it for a distraction to numb the pain. We all are fighting our flesh, so addictions as i call them will manifest itself in different areas, some people it is sports, shopping, lifting, television, chatting and whatever else. I thought it was something that i could conqueor something I could just get rid of, but once an addict your always an addict. I am not saying that you cannot become free, God can akways deliver us. What I am saying is we are still fleshly beings. We still will sin and turn to the flesh at times. Almost always we turn to the same place. So what do we do about it? First be honest with yourself where do you turn to? Second guard it protect it. I used to think it is in the weakest times of your life is when you needed to protect those things the most. I am starting to realize that is not the case. When we are doing well, when we are strong that is when that place is most vulnerable. To be honest it is also the time we can experience growth and move forward. We all have chinks in our armor. So naturally that is where satan will attack us to bring us down to make us fall. When we are strong it is so easy to get lax and to relax in those places. Stand firm identify it protect it. Let God heal you in those places. What do we turn to for comfort? Where do we go to numb the pain? What do we go to when we want to snap ourselves out of a funk? Have we elevated some of those things to a place they should not be? I am Jeremy Wieman and I am an ad

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