Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marriage: we have missed the mark

You do not have to look around for very long to see marriages failing everywhere. I am not just talking about outside the "Church" either, divorce rates are exploding everywhere. That does not even include the thousands and thousands of marriages that are dead, but remain together because of loyalty, a noble trait, but a dead marriage none-  the-less. So where have we went wrong? Where did we drop the

Where did we go wrong? To be honest there are so many places I could never cover them all so I/am not even going to try but there are several that burden my heart.  To start off marriage is a covenant not a contract. Marriage has to be more then a formal agreement, or just the next step in the scheme of life. This is happening all around us, it is destined for failure because it has a selfish mindset. A contract can be terminated if things arent going the way you planned, or if you are not happy or if you are not satisfied. Marriage is an oath it fights until it is absolutely beyond repair, which many say is the case. God hates divorce he makes no mistake about it in the bible. In fact there are only a few things where he says it is acceptable and even in these places he does not want us to give up without a fight. Sexual immorality or adultery I with my whole heart believe if yo u can fix it fix it, but if they wont change the lifestyle they made the choice, then that is whwn we are free there. So many of us say we fell out of love, we dont feel the connection, this just is not working. Corinthians 13 tells us love always perseveres and Love never fails, so are we truly Loving. We so easily get snared in the trap of selfishness and look at ourselves and how we could be happier. If only they did this, or that, or would help here, see the problem with that is it will never be enough.

My marriage is far from perfect. I can tell you one thing about my marriage, after being married nearly six years today it is stronger then ever. Everyday we battle. We make the choice we are going to fight for each other. We decided we no longer want to strive for a good marriage, we want a Godly marriage, one that leads by example. So it started with small practical steps become better friends, do things friends do, make sacrifices and do things they enjoy that you dont. Invest in the things that make them happy. Personally I made the decision to become Greater for her, so I can be the best husband I can be. Quit asking for a better spouse become the better spouse. Take the eyes off yourself. The thing about marriage you never get a day off, you cannot afford it. To much is at stake to much is on the line to get lazy. See marriage it is an oath. That day on the alter an oath was made to fight, in sickness and health for better or for worse. Especially in the worse battle fight, exhaust every option, then try again and again and again..... You get the drift?  When things are going well use the forward momentum run with go go go go. Go above and beyond its your time to get ahead of the curve. Put the effort in daily no no no hourly do what it takes. Pour out your heart love unconditionally, serve unconditionally, pray unconditionally, it cannot be ignored. Ya we have missed the mark, but it is not to late.

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