Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I won't back down

Well I wont back down, no I wont back down, you can stand me up at the gates of hello but I wont back down, I stand my ground I wont be turning around, I keep this world from dragging me around, I stand my ground. For some of you this is a song that you have heard by Tom Petty. For me it has recently it has beeome an anthem. It has become something that is planted so deeply into the core of my heart I am not sure that it will ever leave. For the first time in my life I think I am okay with that. See for me in previous seasons of my life I desired greatness, I wanted to battle but when it was time to Stand my Ground, I just could not do it. Some of it was weakness, some of it was ignorance, some of it was lack of discipline, there were several reasons. I desired to become great but some of those desires well most of them were so I could become great. I wanted to help others and change lives and I desired that so much but  I was not becoming radically obedient. So I truly could not step into others stories the way God designs because I was not capable of loving the way he wants. Unless I love through him I can't reach those places and unless I understand true love comes from obedience I couldnt step into his story like he desires. I am ready to battle I am ready to fight. It is not easy and sometimes the desire is not there. Sometimes  I fear because I have not conquered those areas how can I step up out further. See if I am not stepping forward I am stuck, when I am stuck I am content, when I am content I lose the fullness of my ability to Love through his eyes. See it takes a first step, then another, one step at a time. Sometimes we think if we take that step the whole world around us will change, it will get easier. I was obedient so now God will do the rest. It is not that simple, take a step, take another step before you know it, one step at a time, you have entered a whole new realm. That gets tricky for us because we have never been in those places before. The reality is the more steps we take the harder things will become. The forces that we are up against become greater. With more Power becomes more Responsibility. We must Stand our Ground! Allow God to be our fortress.

I truly believe that God has Spoken some very real promises into my life and has shown me a glimpse of what he has called me to. Psalm 27 David says " wait on the Lord, be strong and take heart, wait on the Lord". God made some very big promises to David throughout his life and there were seasons David had to wait on the Lord to make those things happen. Where we miss the mark is that sometimes we think waiting on the Lord means sitting. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! We must continue to take steps, one step at a time for God to direct us to those promises. Waiting on the Lord does not mean doing nothing or being content, in fact I think Like never before we should be pushing into obedience. Waiting on the Lord has to do with his timein, preparing us till we are READY. David waited on the Lord alright but he was still obedient at a very radical level. He in those times sought after the will of God like never before. He dove into the truths that God has for us. He continued to step forward and seek God! He stood his ground, he several times was staring at the gates of hell and stood his ground. The passion that he had for the Lord his heart to be a part of his story carried him through everything. STAND YOUR GROUND

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