Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ignorance is not bliss

I have a feeling that this one will ruffle some feathers but I am okay with that. There are so many people in this generation say well I just do not believe in Jesus. Here is my problem with that. Before you start thinking well it is their choice you cannot force your beliefs on them listen up first. I am not talking about theology here. So what am I talking about? History.

How many of you if someone approached you and said I do not believe in Abraham Lincoln, be honest here, would say you are stupid. I know I would and yes I know I shouldn't, sometimes I have a bad heart . How is this relevant? Jesus of Nazareth is a historical being, just as much so as Abraham Lincoln. It is not debateable. So when you tell me you do not beleive in Jesus. One of two things is happening, one you choose not to investigate, or two you choose to not beleive in Jesus the messiah. I have a problem with when people come to me and tell me I do not beleive in Jesus.  I think sometimes as a Church we even mislead with the idea of it takes faith to believe in Jesus. We can prove Jesus walked on this earth that does not take faith. What takes faith is beleiveing that this Jesus was God in human flesh and died on the cross so that we may recieve grace and have eternity with him. That is faith. Why does this matter?
I began to ask myself does this really even matter and I beleive it does. This is why I think it does matter. when we allow otehrs to pick and choose what they take as truth in this world and i am basing it soley historically right now then our whole world starts to fall apart. Their become no truths anywhere and thus there is no need for a saviour. The foundation of this starts asJesus the man. If we can get them to that place, we open the door to talk about Jesus the Messiah. Which then they have a choice to make to follow him or not to follow him. To make him Lord in your life or not to make him Lord in your life.  To get to a decision point we must first STAND STRONG in what cannot be argued and StAND STRONG in what is fact.  Then and only then will Jesus ever become relevant in a generation that chooses to beleive that their opinion is "fact" and that is okay. Start where your truth cant be disputed.

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