Friday, May 18, 2012

Dragons and Rainbows: child like faith

Luke 18:17 "truly I tell you, anyone who will not reeive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it" . Powerful, bold, and someitmes a little frightening if we are honest. Why because it seems so vague so broad and it doesnt describe what that means. I have been blessed over the last several months to be surrounded by kids that I love, even though none of them our mine. As i seek gods face deeper and deeper I wonder how I can continue to enter in a faith that daily draws me closer and closer to him. Then this verse continues to smack me in the face.

I am reminded of a story that Erwin Mcmanus tells in the barbarian way. His son is on the porch roof he had crawled out there the mom is obviously freaking out lol. The boy yells "dad should I jump?" Erwin says "ya go for it". The kid acts like he is gonna jump sizes it up. Asks "dad do you really think I should jump?" Erwin says "why not". Needless to say the boy jumps off the roof into his arms. That is where it starts!

Child like faith! Faith like a child starts with being fearless, if if if, your father tells you to, you know you can do anyting. As we grow up we get beat down one we either stop hearing what he tells us to, or we are so buckled with fear we cant do it anyways. Faith like a child has imagination. children have wild imaginations anywhere from invisible friends from playing princess and dragons in the back yard with nothing more then a couple objects. Our God is the ultimate creator and we are created in his image. We should and we must be creative and innovative another trait that somewhere along the line gets lost in the battle of our daily lives. Child like faith knows they are loved. Children have an ultimate dependcy on their parents and in times of trouble nad in times of true Joy they want nothing more to be with their parents. They know they are loved they know they are provided for and they know ultimately that is all they need.  We lose that heart so often with our heavenly faither we forget that is all we truly need. We either reject his love or we simply do not think that we can accept it. Or we get lost in doing our own thing and pride and "works" get in the way. We get so caught up sometimes what others think of us how the world views us, what we can and cant do, we think about whats next. Children live in the moments they are wild and free and dont care whats around them. One of the most fun things to watch is when child just gets out of the shower no shame no fear just freedom!. Will you choose to regain your heart of a child! reclaim your life! Wild and free who wouldnt want to be with THEE .

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