Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We have all played the part of Judas

This is the first blog where I have done anything like this. I am not going to lie I am super excited. It will be contraversial, but my goal is to make you think and ask what if? So when reading this keep that in mind.

Mathew 26:14 says, "Then one of the twelve--the one called Judas Iscariot-- went to the chief priests and asked, what are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you? So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.From then on Judas watch for a chance to hand him over." Most of us read this text and think evil evil man, which is probably true but what if it is not that simple. What if it was a man that let where his heart was invested get out of control. It is easy to say money because he received the silver and is known as being the treasurer and was crooked at that. What if it is not that simple. It is debated why he is called Judas Iscarriot there are several debates here. I am going to just touch on is well documented that through the scriptures there are zealots' which more or less, were a political activist group. A group that hated Roman control and wanted to drive them out of Judea. Why is this relevant? Some believe Judas was a sacarii which was a more violent group. So what if Judas being driven by hatred for the Romans thought he could kill to birds with one stone get money and start a riot a political revolution. See Judas npknew Jesus would be put on trial but the Jewish council did not have the power to really do anything. He knew only the Romans had that power. So what if he thought this would finally cause that revolt he so badly desired. Just a thought regardless the bottom line is his hearts desire drove him to evil.

To tell ourselves that we are any different that we are above that is foolish. The reality is we have all played the part of Judas. We have all forsake our Lord for a worldly desire. Our acts of selfishness and greed are just as guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross as Judas.Our hearts are often invested in the wrong places and we forsake obedience to satisfy our flesh. Is that really any different?

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