Sunday, March 25, 2012

Battle tested.

There is no doubtEvery man desires an adventure. I have found mine and it is not going away. That is the true beauty of it, every day I can engage in this adventure. That means my life will never be BORING again. I am not going to lie it is so easy to step away, get lazy ad not put in the neccesary effort needed. If it were easy it would not be woth fighting for and it would not be an adventure worth stepping into. I made Jesus my ruler and my savior I accepted him into my heart. That is when my true adventure began.

This week for me personally was one of the greatest weeks I have ever experiencd amd also one of the tougest. Sure does not seem to make sense does it? I promise you it makes perfect sense. It was such a great week for me personally because I stepped into places "Spiritually" that I have never been. My eyes were opened to a new kind of love, a new burdens for his people, a new hunger for obedience, amd a new reverant awe for our Lord. So how could it be one of the toughest? Have you ever heard of the phrase "Mo money Mo problems"? As we get bigger as we learn more we have more responsibilties so naturally it gets tougher, but wait there is more. The moment we start to become a threat to the evil of the world the more we get attacked. The more the world and the flesh try to lie and manipulate us into going back to our old ways and patterns. They want to destroy us everywhere tear us down. That my friends is the battle. Once you step into a life of being Christ like you enter a battle an Adventure.

I am battled tested. I survived and I am strong because of it. we must stand in the truth that God prĂ´mises to never give us more then we can handle. God also says that in Mathew 5:10 says blessed are those who are persecuted because of rightousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". I can stand in the truth that as I battle as I am facing that opression, harrasment and distress; I will inherit the kingdom of heaven. ya I am battle tested and I am ready for the next round. My Story is simpky to give Glory to God's story

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