Friday, June 3, 2016

A love that survives

I sit next to my lovely wife Sarah Wiemann on the eve of our ten year anniversary she lays sound asleep. First I cant believe it has been ten years. I cannot fathom what has happened to us, to me in thosee 10 years. What we have been through, what we have accomplished, where we have been, the things we have enjoyed together, the friends that we have made. I do not think I truly understand how blessed I am. Or how much she has done for me. I dont think I ever understood how hard Love can be, how intentional it must be and how often it really was a dog fight to continue to battle to grow that Love. Love is so much more than a feeling lets be honest we dont always "feel" it.  Actually lets be brutally honest in the midst of the business and of life we often feel a disconnect or at the very least long for something we cant even quite explain. We look for things or someone to blame, guess who usually catches the brunt of that? In my wildest dreams I never woukd have imagined that communication is so difficult. We have so romanticised  Love and marriage that forst time of true struggle or heart ache the majority leaves if not physically emotionally. Marriage and Love is often hard, akward, exhausting, laborious but totally worth it and life giving when we buy in. I am talking truly going all in. The greatest gift my wife has ever given me is grace and better yet a deeper understanding if Gods grace. His free unwavering grace that carrys me. There is no better place to experience it.

    Lets be honehst marriage Love cannot exist without it. Love is so much more than a feeling:  it is a decision, an act, a purpose a calling. We have to be willing to admit thatvwe dont love well . That we do it quite poorly actually. This doesnt change the fact how much I love my wife in some ways it proves it. When I admit that I am quite far from my ceiling then I have room to grow. When I decide I want to grow my actions begin to have a purpose. There starts to be consistency. With that things start to become easier and the "have to" becomes "want to" It is never perfect andh the hard thing is we often have to figure it out on the run while the rest of life fails to slow down. We have to learn how to pick up the broken pieces, mend them all while protecting the heart with strength and delicacy. In many ways it seems impossible and on our own I think it is impossible. We were not created to figure it out in our own power. The greatest man to ever walk this earth gave us an example ofvhow to Love. Jesus showed us How to love in the hardest of cirmustances, how to love when it is seems impossible. I challenge you take your next step on figuring out how you can better Love your spouse. If you are single or engaged prepare yourself, your heart or expectations.  Love is hard but love is worth it . Love is a journey. Dont do it alone! Reach out to those who will walk with you, help you grow and lets Jesus love shone through.
Thank you for taking the tine to read. Share share share..

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