Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lessons from a pan

Sometimes our greatest lessons can come from a simple house chore.  We live in a systematic world, which means lessons can be around every corner if you allow your heart to soak them in. Often those every day lessons can turn into something your heart needs to hear.  This morning I was doing the dishes a task I do majority of my mornings. Sounds like a fairly mundane task right.. And it was until I got to this one pan. You know one of those expensive pans you decide to splurge on. The type that nothing is supposed to stick to, the type that cooks everything more truly. Ya that pan. The problem was I was scrubbing and scrubbing and struggling. "This should not happen, not for this kind of money." I let my mind wonder like I so often do. I recall hearing, reading cook on "medium to low".  That is just a suggestion right? What can it really effect, besides I don't have time for that. I didn't prepare, my daughters hungry, we have to be somewhere in half an hour,... Whatever the excuse is and there seems always be one.  What am I getting at? What if our spiritual life is like that? What if what God wants to cook up in our heart , desires for it to cook slowly. To chew on, dive, in , letting it sink in letting it soak deep down to the darkest parts of our heart. Could it be that maybe some of our struggles in our journey is because we throw the temperature way up and want the instant meal and gratification. We are to busy, to bored, to uninterested to really let it simmer. To really allow ourselves to understand and grab hold of.  In Romans it says He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;

What if it isn't about a list? Or what we do but how we seek it and what we desire out of it?
Will you let it seep into your whole story? Even the parts maybe you have hidden away. What does God want you to want? Will you prepare a space will you set aside enough time to really let it simmer. I think if we do we will be pleasantly surprised in the difference.

Thank you for your journey and being a part of mine. Feel free to pass this on and share it. For his glory and his alone.

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