Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blessed to be a blessing

      What is our purpose? How do we play a part? Where can we go from here? Stay with me here. Keep some of these questions in mind as I step into something that really burns inside me.  I really feel no matter where you are at or what level this can speak to you. Even if you don't consider yourself a Christain or could care less about God. I still ask that you stay with me here me out. Genesis 12:2 God to Abraham says " I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. " We were created to be a blessing. We were created for a bigger story.

This post can truly hit on so many different levels I ask that you would think about it and allow it to do just that. Ask the what ifs? Have I really made a commitment? Where do I go? What is my part? hang with me this one is lil longer.

To be honest there is something so personal and so close to home with this idea . I fear that here is where so many people get stuck. I fear that so many people cannot move forward until they get this, until this truly sinks in. So many want freedom, so many want to pursue BIG dreams, want to conquer the world,  but they ayrent dealing with their right here or their right now. I know personally I have a lot of growth but I am finally starting to GET it . THe process might be slower then I want but I suppose that is why they call it a journey.So what holds us back? Mathew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." To me this statement is so foundational for who were are and where we want to go. I think So much freedom or imprisonment is found here. So many of us honor God with our lips but not our actions.  Did I just go to money? Yes, Yes I did but I am here to say it is no about MONEY it is about the heart. Why is this such a sensitive subject within the Church. Why do so many people get so edgy, and uncomfortable. I beleive it is absolutely foundational to how we can be freely used by God and even find God in places we did not know we could. I mean think about it where you invest your passionate about, you get emotional about. Dont believe me ever watched a football game where someone has bet, ever bougt stock for a product, ever seen someone spill something on their new 100 dollar pair of jeans? Maybe it seems far fetched but is it really?I meant what if what could unlock our hearts is by giving to our house, our church? If you are not a believer and reading this thank you for still being here. If your not a believer you probably have heard so many twisted versions of what tithing is. Even if you are a believer I know you have and wrong motives, and wrong reasons eventually lead us farther away rather then closer.

So where can we go? Why give? what is it for? Yes there are aspects of the Church that are business like and there are expenses. That does not even start to scratch the surface of why Tithe. Why we give 10% So why should we ? Maybe just maybe giving away with God is better then 100 percent all yours.  Here is a list i saw the other day about Ten reasons we get to tithe by Steven Furtick.  Yes get to. Imagine if your heart got to this place where every week you were actually excited and looked forward to that time of the week. Its fun trust me ive experienced it at times. There is a wholeness here that opens our hearts in ways cant even fathom.
AS you read this list think about these things when they pass the offering.

1)We document Gods blessing when we give
2) We get to train ourselves to obey Gods instructions more immediately and completely
3)When we give we get to participate in Gods higher purpose by connecting more deeply to his heart
4) I get to build something much bigger then me , that will last much longer then me
5)When I give I get to break the back of greed and escape the change of selfishness
6)When I give I get to wage war on worry by placing Gods protection over my possesions
7)When I give I get to order and enjoy whats left because Ive given God my first and my best
8)When I give I get to send a spiritual reminder to myself and my circumstances that my God is more then enough.
9)When we give we get to spread the Gospel to the world and preach the Gospel to ourselves
10) When I give I get to open my hands to a God who will not be outgiven.

Our heart is so complexed and it is so easily pursuaded when we try to please it ourselves. I am so passionate here because Churches around the world arent reaching their potential. Ya more resources you can do more things that seems logical. But but but it doesnt even end there and it isnt about there. I am pasionate here because the Church cannot reach its potential because so many cant give there whole heart to it. They cant dive into it or be all in even if they want to, because they simply said are serving something else. God does not need what we have, but we desperately need what he wants to give us.  We are all blessed to be a blessing.

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