Saturday, July 6, 2013

Retraining the heart: A change that must be made

Have we really drifted do far as a people that the first thing we notice is someones flaws our shortcomings. I truly believe that none of us are exempt from this. We have desensitized our own hearts in this regard to the extent that we flaunt the "mistakes" of others socially and publicly. Maybe some of us don't engage in these actions first hand but is sitting quietly any different? I myself am as guilty as anyone. When Is enough, enough? When do you cross the so called line of insensitivity? It is no wonder the next generation is labeled as disrespectful, selfish and demanding of self entitlement. Do we really as a people model anything different? It has gotten to the point where it has become awkward or even worse burdensome to become encouraging and uplifting.

  The "Church" is not exempt here. In fact at times I wonder if the greatest struggles do not belong to us. We know better,Love calls for it and our Gospel demands it. Add if our response as a church in this regard isn't bad enough. The Church within the church is probably as bad as it gets. We try to walk in community together, but if they do not do it our way, or think our way it stirs up conflict. Which in amongst itself isn't entirely a bad thing. It really comes down to do you hold your views for yourself or do you desire somehow to draw them closer to God. To reveal a new peace and understanding that maybe they have never experienced before. So often our own churches have become competitive like only a brother and sister can be. The difference we do not treat them as a brother or a sister. We treat them as outlaws, outcasts unworthy of our compassion. They often become the brunt of our jokes or the center of our gossip.

 So what can we do? What I'd we took a stand retained ourselves to have an EYE for the beauty. We visualized or gratitude and our praise. What if we chose to honor everyone. Honor and respect are different to an extent respect is earned but Honor we are called to always give. Everyone is worthy of honor. What if we became a people that for once quit viewing others through our own eyes of selfishness, shame and hurt. Maybe if we started to step up and change the game others would follow suit. America is a selfish nation, a depressed nation a nation that is worn out. We suck the life out of ourselves by sucking it out of each other. When we give life we gain life. Could you bee the one that decides to take a stand and retrain your heart. AMERICA needs us.

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