Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Battle: Goodness to GRACE

Isaiah 59:4 NIV No one calls for justice; no one pleads a case with integrity. They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil........I think I am slowly start to get it. We are not Good people I am not a good person. Nor will I ever be at least not here with this fleshly body. We sin and we cannot get away from it it is in our very nature. I am not saying we are condemned because that is not the case. Well at least if we accepted Christ into our hearts and made him Lord of our lives. We fall and we fall often but what will we do with our failures? Will we choose to be condemned? Will we strive for perfection so we measure up to our own ideals and measuring sticks of religion and morals. Or will we accept GRACE for what it is. A bridge a gap between fallen man and perfection. Our Jesus bore our sins became sins in the flesh, carried our weight and conquered them. Jesus doesn't see filth and dirt when he looks at us. No our sins have been forgiven and atoned for. He sees a holy and blameless disciple, he sees beauty that is what we are. What will we do with our GRACE? Some will keep sinning and take advantage of it, but did they truly ever accept it in the first place? Will we allow ourselves to be fueled by the PERFECT most amazing gift any of us have ever received. Will we allow ourselves in gratitude and thanksgiving strive to know Christ better, strive to be Christ like. Not out if duty or "have to"share mentality, but rather in response to a perfect love a LOVE we can only experience in Christ. Then and only then will our fountain totally flow freely. Then and only then can we consider all things JOY. We have a choice will you make the right one?

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