Saturday, June 30, 2012

To strong for help, to weak to try

I am starting to realize in this world so many of us hate to ask for help. I do not know if it is because of how we are brought up, or if there is some tramatic experience or just a relationship gone bad. I know one thing it does not get any easier. I know that you find yourself stacking up what you have done for them lately so today it is probably okay to ask. I know this starts to weigh on you and it eventually sucks life out of things. Why is it so hard? Why when we even think about asking do we bombard our own mind with ridiculous thoughts and question that are not even remotely close to true. Why do we tell ourselves that it is weakness? In this regard we are our own worst enemy.

I also am not naieve enough to think that there is not another end of the sepctrum. There are several people in this world that they are just lazy the turth is they dont want help because they dont want to help. They dont want anything todo with something outside themselves. They hide behind other peoples excuses in their own lives hoping it wont be notice or you will pat htem on the back and tell them it is okay. The truth in the matter is they are just working the system and everyone around them. What emptiness what pain.

Tonight I got to experience this full circle in more ways then one. Tonight I realized in a new light that we cant do it on our own. We were not designed to. It is not weak to ask for help or to need help. It is not strength to do it on our own. So what then is it all about? It is about carrying burdens and bridging the gap for those you love. Playing your part in the friendships. Sometimes that even means you wont want to but you just do it. Why because some day you will need help? This might be one benefit yes but if that is the only reason trust me, it will lead to emptiness. So others see it? People pleasing is so draining and so not fun at all in fact it  sucks because eventually when others dont meet up to the standards and htey wont then you are lonely as ever. Really it is simple it is just what friends do. It is that easy it shows love it becaomes something you not only want to do but you need to do. Not to prove your friendship but because that is what Love does it bridges gaps. One day it might be late night talk when you are to tired to think, another slaving away in the heat, another trip across town when you thought you got to relax, another chasing around screaming children. See it is not that they are weak or that we are weak it is just sometimes you need someone to bridge the gap, give you extra set of hands, or  whatever it may be.

True friendship knows the needs and true friendship shows others that not only do you want to help that it is okay to admit it. True friendship does not expect anyting in return but you know it will be there because your firendship is built on REAL love. True firendship does more then serve tehy allow others to serve them. True friendship it jsut becomes another way to thank them for being who they are and another way to Glorfiy God for who you both are becoming. It is not weakness to ask for help but listen, listen if you wlak away from one thing and only one thing know this true weakness is trying to do it alone. Will you let others bridge the gap? Are you brdiing the Gap with other? What it comes down to is we all need to do what we can physically, mentally and Spiritually put forth 100 percent. After that it is out of your hands then the gap must be bridged and god shows up and often times through others. Be the Hope.

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