Monday, May 27, 2013

Day of honor: True meaning of freedom.

Days like today are moving for me as I ponder my life and hte opportunities given to me. There have been so many that have put their lives down for our freedom. Even before the existence of America. This day goes far beyong U.S.A do not get me wrong I love my country and am proud of who I am and where my roots are. So many have lost their lives for our freedom but it is more then just war. The fight is far bigger then that. There are so many that fight for food, survival, water, decency,and love. People have put their lives on the line for a far greater cause then us just having the right to do whatever we want or to not do anyting at all. They fight to give us the opportunities to change the world. They fight for us to grab hold of the day to day gifts that we have been given. They fight so that we will stand up and say enough is enough. It is time to care for the pour, the lost, the wounded and the wronged. True freedom is found when we look outside ourselves and we invest in the lives of others. When we give our time and resources to something other then personal gratification and satisfaction. Every day we have opportunities whether it be at work, home, school, out in public we have the chances to live large. To step outside ourselves and change the world or at the very least the lives around us. Investing into the lives of the youth to shape who they are and what they will fight for espeically with our own kids. True change starts from the inside out. I know it must first start with me and it is something I am finally being intentional to step into. I often suck at it but I give my all in doing so. So for me today on this memorial day has a new meaning. As so many have given up there lives and normalcy for us. To pave the road for us to live outside ourselves and to truly Live large. Living a life bigger then yourself is true freedom. So lets honor those before us by living a life worth living and preparing the way for those after us. Let us not take another day for granted. Be the change you were created to be.

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