Friday, January 4, 2013

Vitality or death: Is there a middle ground

I picked up a devotional today which I rarely do. I usually go straight to the Bible REVIVAL BEGINS WITH YOU." Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mathew 4:17. ---If Christianity is important at all, then it is all-important. If it is anything at all then it is everything. It is either the most vital thing in your life, or it isn't worth bothering with. "Billy Graham. I have heard this a hundred times before and I get it but I wonder today is it all important everywhere. Is it "vital" in all places could today be the day in a new way that I choose to only live off of Jesus and the promise of the hope and future he brings. Will i truly forsake the world the bitterness, unforgiveness, selfishness, greed, envy, hate and the rest rhis world has to offer. Will I truly be consumed and engulfed by this promise. Will I love in the way Jesus called us to. The Love that never fails. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." When I do these things there is no choice but to take my eyes off myself, infact it is impossible to truly Love and not have a selfless heart. So the "Rutts" of this world and the "slumps" start to dissapear and shatter. Hear me out, I mean what causes those things? Is it not the moment where you decide you were owed that or that should not have happened to you, that our mind starts to spiral into what seems like an endless hole of guilt and doubt. Could it be that the only way to truly rise out of those places is to flip our eyes off ourselves. It is so easy to get caught up and entangled in the selfish mindset. It starts as a moment of weakness then all yhe guilt and shame of the world is poured onto us. We start to believe the lies of you are not good enough, you will never climb out if this, this is as strong as you will ever be, what is the point it is kust a tired circle of hopelessness, You so not truly think you can make a difference, I could go on and on. We Egrow weary we get tired and we sulk. So we know we must turn our eyes to the Hope we have in the promise that we are "small" in the trandensendence of oir Lord. That his promise is far bigger then anything we can fathom or understand. Isn't that what faith is? Believing and choosing to enter into a story that we do not comprehend or understand? Taking steps of action because ultimately we know hat the only story that matters is the one that started bwfore there was time. When the God head the Trinity Father, son and holy spirit de cided to create us not for our pleasure, but so that we could bring Him GLORY so that we could enter into LOVE in its truest for. That is vitality is there really any middle ground?

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