Monday, November 28, 2011

Love is obedience

    Many of us have pondered what it looks like to passionately love Jesus. We have questioned how is it possible to, "Love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind." or if that is even possible? What does a life that loves Jesus look like? Simply put obedience. Some of you are thinking surely it cannot be that simple. I am saying what if it is? No, I am saying it is that simple. God calls us to obedience. John 14:15 says, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." (N.I.V) So where do we start? John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."(N.I.V.) Is there a better place to start then the Word of God? We must start being intentional about knowing and educating ourselves on what God calls us to. Proverbs says "My son do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart." Knowledge is power. Paul, in 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 says "All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. So that the man of God may be equipped for every good work." If we are obedient to what the "Word of God" calls us to, do we need anything else? I am not saying we will live perfect lives, God knows I do not, we will screw up, and we will fall flat on our faces in disobedience. The only thing we can do then is repent and ask for forgiveness. We must move on and march forward. What if it is that simple? I know it will not be easy. What if we were intentional every single day that the Lord has blessed us with to be radically obedient? What if we strive for perfection? I know we will fall short, but along the way we will become great. Will you Love your Jesus?

Friday, November 25, 2011

You have it, He"ll use it

  God is a God of miracles. What God is not is a magician. He is not a God that will just snap his fingers and everything is "fixed". I am not saying that he is not capable of those things, that is just not how our God works. God chooses to use us, as tools, as vessels, to bring glory to His name. How often do we cry out for miracles and expect the source to come from afar, to come from somewhere else? God uses what we already have. So right now you are probably thinking that I am crazy. Just take a moment to think of some of the miracles throughout the bible. Almost always God used what they already had, but first they had to offer it up to Him and allow it to be used by Him.
  Look at the story of David and Goliath, God used the skills that David had learned from shepherding and guarding his flock to slay Goliath. Goliath would have never been slain if David was not willing to step up and fight and use the skills he already had. Jesus feeds the five thousand; one boy, one meal and one desire to give what he had to Jesus. God didn't go to an outside source he used the meal that was already there. Moses also often saw many miracles performed out of his own staff. The next time you are crying out to God to see a miracle: in your life, your church, your youth group, your family or your community, ask yourself, what do you have to offer. What could you give up to OUR Lord? God only needs what you have, but first you must be willing to give it to him.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

redefining belief

 We have all heard it a thousand times "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever beleives in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. Simple right? It is straight forward believe and you are saved. Ya it is simple and  it is straight forward why waste a blog on it. What if we miss the mark on what it means to beleive something? Can you truly believe something and not be changed?   iI am afraid this generation of not only youth but of our church has compartmentalized  our faith. I beleive in God that is enough, this person beleives in Jesus thats okayand I have the Spirit in me i am fine.  The bible just isnt for me but I beleive in god.  It is a recipe, one that you dont get to choose what ingredients you want to put in it and which ones you would rather leave out.  John 1:1 says "in the beginning was the word, the word was with god and the word was God. The bible is God, why is that important?  In webester dictionary if you look up the word beleive it says to accept it as real or truth. If you beleive God, you believe the bible. If you accept the bible as real and true you educate yourself on what it says and it has power in your life. You simply cannot let something be deemed real in your life and it not bring about change. Beleif brings about change. What this verse does not say is If you believe there is A God. No what this verse says is if you beleive in him who is part of the trinity. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and yes this means bible must be truth, and it must have power in your life. You do not get to pick  what parts you want to beleive. You are either in or your out 100 percent or not at all. So what do you believe?