Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Courage in Sacramento: How a leap changed everything.

I had a different experience Sunday night as I was in Sacramento. I had just taken the Rail  downtown to attend a New York Knicks game. On the way there I had made brief conversation with a man. I attended the game and about 10:20  I purchased my ticket in front of the station. I noticed a homeless man there. I walked over and sat next to the closest bench. Something started to bother me. I opened up my wallet to check how much cash I had, which wasnt much. I walked over to the man and gave him what I had. I told him to enjoy coffee and breakfast in the morning. I asked him, you okay man? He said he just fell on some really hard times and was struggling as of late. I then told him I was from Nebraska but asked if I could be praying for him. Then I actually preceded to pray for him right there. I prayed For doors to be opened, love to be experienced, hope to be found shame to be wiped away. Then around the corner came a man, a man weeping. It had happen to be the man I had talked to on the train earlier. He then went on to tell me how his father in law was a pastor. How he knew all about Jesus but had fell into some things. He said that convicted him. He saw this opportunities everyday and passed them up. That he had chances to be a difference and never took them. That he has been wanting to get his life together. He was convicted that night. I don't tell you this story to get a pat on the back, to receive any sort of recognition. I tell you this story because I walk away from such opportunities to impact lives so often. Way more than I care to admit. I tell this story because maybe you have missed opportunities as well. To say i experienced different boldness and empathy then I have  experienced before. There was so much joy in that moment. I'm here to say you can do it. We can do it. Take a step your never know how you will be used. We literally withhold blessings from others when we allow fear and doubt to paralyze us. Be brave. Let your heart and Jesus guide you . I most likely never meet these guys again or get to see how this plays out. But I will pray that lives are restored.