Monday, December 16, 2013

A heart of transformation: live free, but not easy

I often wonder what it truly means to endure. When I think of endure I realize that there is resistance I am turning away from something. I must ask myself lf what am I turning away from sin, evil, bad choices?  All of the above might be true but what if it is not that simple?  Paul says in Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." How do I transform the renewing of my mind? What am I going against? We often desire pleasure the feeling and pursuit of happiness. We want it we give it to ourselves. Yes there is satisfaction in this but if we are honest with ourselves it is momentary. If we are brutally honest with ourselves it is not even satisfaction but q numbing of pain. Pain from searching and search for a void in emptiness an unsettled desire for more. I believe this is for Christ followers and those who do not believe in Christ alike. To transform is a continuous fight a changing of mind and habits, but not set apart from each other but together you cannot experience one without the other.  "Biblical faith fights to believe the Gospel to such a degree that it is reflected in our practice." As we seek the truth of the Gospel and continually let our mind be transformed which cannot be done alone by our own effort, our lives change. Love becomes easier, stronger and freely flows without hesitation. The Gospel calls us to look at Jesus over and over again, To acknowledge we are blemished and we need a redeemer. To say yes to Jesus as Lord of our lives but acknowledge that this is done through grace and grace alone, no amount of good deeds or any earning behaviours can save us. We are transformed by grace. "Grace is opposed to earning not to effort". What if to endure it means we continue to acknowledge our inadequacies everywhere, accept the grace God so freely wants to give us through his son. What if to endure means to continue to make new what grace, love, obedience, righteousness, repentance, sanctification look like. What if it means to reclaim the words that are so abused in our journeys and stories. What if This is when our hearts truly begin to be set apart from the world. Not some sort of behavior modification or withholding myself from pleasures, but a heart that starts to desire them less and less, because we have grabbed a hold of something strong and enduring Christ our saviour.