Tuesday, June 25, 2013

quietness and confidence

               Tonight I am going to do it a little different. Tonight I just want to talk to you guys give you a glimpse of my life in hope that some how it can bring something to your life. Even the name i picked is far different then it normally would be.

     Do you ever have those nights where you crawl in to bed lay down and you cannot help but smile. You are so just flat out grateful you cannot help but smile. Not because today was easy, or you were rewarded or recieved something. In fact in a lot of ways it was exactly the opposite. The day was a grind it was tough for a lot of different reasons but that is not the point. I do not want to complain. I used to look at those events or those circumstances and allow it to define my day. Now I am realizing my days are far bigger then that. Back to my point. Life happened today. Every interaction I had today with someone close to me left a very special mark in fact far beyond what they even realize. I know this is and will be scattered but tonight that is who I am. Forgive me if it is hard to follow.

        Isaiah 32:17 "The fruit of that righteousness will be peace: its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. "  I know my days will never be perfect and I know so often they will be hard, they will be a grind and in the midst of them it will seem so often like war and for many of us at times hell.  My days are defined different now. Isaiah 32:17 "The fruit of that righteousness will be peace: its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. " Isaiah 32:17 "The fruit of that righteousness will be peace: its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. " Let it sink in. I truly believe with all my heart when we seek jesus with a pure heart and a heart without selfish motives we slowly but sure start to understand the steps of our Journeys. It is as if we recieve a revelation and something goes off in our mind and finally e might understand or we might get something we hadnt before. Hold on to those moments. But When we seek him the fruit of that righteousness in our lives is peace, quietness and confidence. We have confidence in knowing know matter the day we had our God is still the same, his love in know way has changed and our journey will still continue. There is a peace and a freedom in knowing our days are not judged or graded by the things we got right. The days are not defined byt the circumstances we are facing. Their is joy in every day, their is peace in every day. When we start to live life with the intention of being MINDFUL of the opportunities to seize and create life our days take on a whole new meaning. Something that is so far beyond ourselves . We see life where we did not before. We are blessed in ways that previously we walked right past. When we step into the life that jesus has for us you begin to expeirence a new peace and quitness. your heart calms and you can see the blessings and experiences the life that is brought about in your day in a new way. We miss this in our lives so many times. We get so caught up in us our hurts, our pains, our wants, our desires, that we miss the true Joys of life. We get caught up in us. We get caught up in defining our day and our life on things that are truly small. Today I was able to end my night lay my head down and know that I experienced life in a new way. Will you allow yourself to?